You are currently viewing 11 Important Reasons Not to Join Harvest Host Camping

11 Important Reasons Not to Join Harvest Host Camping

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What is Harvest Host?

Harvest Host is an inexpensive camping membership program. In exchange for an annual fee you get access to an app that allows you to book one night of camping at farms, churches, breweries and other businesses with parking areas.

In exchange, you are expected to make a minimum $20 purchase at each business. While we think this a reasonable trade off, it’s something that you really need to consider when budgeting your trip.

Reasons NOT to Join Harvest Host

It’s really not FREE camping

Harvest Host camping memberships start at $99/year and go up from there based on the number and type of locations that you add. Additionally you are expected to support the business that is allowing you to camp on their property. This is where it gets tricky and can blow up your travel budget.

On our recent trip we stayed at two different locations and spent $117 for two nights ($47.36, $69.43). Excluding the membership fee this is $58 per night. Even though this includes drinks, snacks and supporting a local business (which we strongly believe in) the fact is that it wasn’t FREE.

If we boondocked in a rest area we would have spent less than $10 per night on our own food and drinks. If we would have went out to eat and drink, we may or may not have selected these same locations.

If you are looking for strictly for a cheap overnight camping alternative, Harvest Host is NOT going to be a good fit.

Strict Cancellation Policy

Thinking of using Harvest Host as your back-up plan? Think again. Harvest Host has a very strict, 3 strikes you’re out rule. If you no show or cancel less than 24 hours in advance it counts against. you. Locations will ask you to sign in which gets reported back to Harvest Host.

There are also very specific check in times, so be sure to plan your route accordingly. Many locations close early evening so this is not going to be a good choice for someone that wants to get as much drive time in before calling it a night. Plan to park no later than 8pm at many locations, earlier at some.

Remember, businesses are letting you use their parking lots in exchange for your patronage, so it’s reasonable that they want you there before they close. Harvest Host is building a community that exists for mutual benefit, much like a barter system.

If you are joining because you are looking to purchase a parking/camping service, Harvest Host is NOT going to be a good fit.

Hook-ups are not included

Harvest Host is very clear that hook-ups are not included in your stay, nor did we expect them to be. It is after all, an honor system understanding that you are going to support the business that you are parking at overnight. If your host allows you to use your generator (be sure to ask first) then you need to include the cost of running the power, which for us is about $10 per night.

This brings our average cost up to about $68 per night. And you still need to find a dump station.

If you are looking for a full hook-up overnight camping spot, Harvest Host is NOT going to be a good fit.

Most locations are not convenient to the highway

Let’s face it, one of the main reasons to join a camping membership such as Harvest Host is being able to legally park your RV or travel trailer overnight in a safe, convenient and cheap spot. Depending on the area, you may or may not have many good Harvest Host options to choose from.

Hopefully, as Harvest Host continues to grow, this will change. If you are looking for convenient locations in the South, check out our Best Harvest Hosts Locations in the South post.

If you are looking for a large selection of locations directly off the highway then at this time Harvest Host is NOT going to be a good fit.

Limited Wifi Access

If you need to work remotely or just want to relax with a movie or catch up on social media don’t count on the signal strength of your hotspot or other wireless option to work at every Harvest location. Some locations will grant you free access to their Wifi but remember- it’s not secure and most times it is not going to be a strong enough signal to work in the parking area.

To learn more about WiFi options, read our story on WiFi Access for RV’ers.

If you need consistently strong WiFi for your overnight stay Harvest Host locations are probably not going to be a good fit.

Food and supplies are not always convenient

No general stores or camp stores on site as you would find at most campgrounds. Only a few locations are going to have food on-site and the kitchen might be closed by the time you pull in. Don’t forget, many locations are in remote areas. So if you need propane or run out of milk for your coffee you are most likely out of luck. And are you really going to un-hook your rig to go out and hunt for supplies.

If convenience to supplies is important to you, let’s face it, the RV lifestyle is probably not a good fit, let alone a membership program such as Harvest Host. Consider buying a condo or timeshare.

Unknown and inconsistent ground surface for parking

Most Harvest Host locations are going to be very specific about what to expect as far a pavement options. Just be sure to read the details of each location before you book it. If you don’t like parking on grass or uneven payments then Harvest Host is definitely not a good fit.

Parking size varies

Don’t expect a dedicated camping space, like you would get in a campground. Your Harvest Host location is a business, not a campground. They want to host as many travelers as possible. They are offering a parking area, NOT a campsite.

So if you are expecting to use multiple slides and set up your picnic area and awning, think twice, especially if you are staying at a popular spot on a weekend.

If this isn’t your thing, do everyone a favor, don’t join.

Google maps often fails to get you there

Not that this is anything to new for GPS in general. Most Harvest Host locations are going to provide directions, especially if they know that their location is difficult to find. You just need to remember to read all of the details provided by the host. It just gets tricky if you are booking a longer trip with multiple stops.

Last thing that you want to be doing is driving around an unknown location in the dark trying to find your Harvest Host location.

Limited evening activities

Unless you have an easily accessible extra vehicle, chances are once you stop you are in for the night. So after you spend your expected (and much appreciated) $20 or more patronage obligation what are you going to do. There’s not going to be bathhouses or laundry facilities. You aren’t going to be able to sit around the campfire. Internet is going to be spotty. No trails to walk or swimming pools.

Of course, there are cards and board games back at your trailer. Many Harvest Host locations have activities but the longer you stay to play the higher your bill at the end of the night.

If amenities are important to you there are other campground membership programs that are probably a better fit. Harvest Host is probably not your best option.

You may not use it as much as you think

Now that you know that FREE is a relative term when using Harvest Host you may not use it as much as you think you would. Maybe you find those few locations that you would love to repeat visit or maybe the brewery or farm was a one and done. Great to visit once but would you really want to return.


Our Experience

As Harvest Host continues to grow and add more locations it might be worth it.

We are renewing our membership and sticking around another year.

We bought it as an impulse buy when it came up on our Facebook feed. It took us six months to use it for the first time because the options in Florida didn’t really coincide with our needs.

All three of the locations that we’ve visited so far were great hosts and we would stay again.

But we don’t think this type of membership works for everyone. If you enjoy supporting local businesses, learning by doing and being part of a community this could be a great fit.

If you need certainty, consistency and are on a very limited budget, think twice.

They do have a boodockers welcome membership in which you stay with other members which might be a viable option for those with limited travel budgets.

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